iPad-only is the new desktop Linux
If you're going to tell me "normal people" don't do those tasks, please don't. Quilters run blogs. Salespeople create presentations. And non-techie writers send revisions to editors. It's us nerds who insist that iOS solves the "problem" of normal people who don't understand the file system putting all their files on the desktop. But the desktop acts as shared document storage, which is something it turns out normal people sometimes need, and iOS does not solve that problem. Lecture me about the virtues of containers all you want, but there is no world in which having to use Dropbox as a temporary storage medium is a step forward.
This is a great article, and it hits the nail on the head so hard, the nail's probably in Fiji by now. The only people going iPad-only are bloggers writing "I went iPad-only"-posts, and people who are trying to prove a point. Neither of them constitute a market.